Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Extreme Parenting

Extreme Parenting There is a child who is never allowed to attend a sleep over or have a playdate. A child that must constantly practice the violin, do homework, and is never allowed any free time to do as she pleases. This is the child of an extreme parent. Parenting methods have long been a subject of controversy, but a new trend in parenting called â€Å"Tiger† parenting may be the most controversial of today. The method of extreme parenting or parents that go to extreme lengths to give their children a head start over their peers can actually be quite detrimental to a child’s proper development.Extreme parenting is considered effective by some but, ineffective and bordering on abusive by others. Extreme parents, also known as â€Å"Tiger† parents, go beyond normal extremes to compel their children to succeed. They do this by forcing their children to participate and excel in a certain activity. They often use harsh punishment for failure, but believe that the ir actions better their children. They are different from the â€Å"typical† parent because of how they define their child’s success and happiness.According to the article â€Å"Key Events in the History of Extreme Parenting† from Facts On File the release of Amy Chua's book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother in January 2011 sparked a debate between people who see Amy Chau’s extreme parenting style as essential to help children reach their full potential and those who think it borders on child abuse. (Key Events) The subject of extreme parenting is a sensitive one in which many people have very strong and differing opinions. Most people agree that children need discipline in their lives but the line between what is appropriate and what is not has been blurred.Both extreme and permissive parents believe that their style of parenting is what is best for a child’s personal growth. An extreme parent is very involved with their child’s life and ofte n makes all of their decisions for them. These parents will use harsh disciple to keep their child in line. A permissive parent allows their child to have a great deal of freedom and will use few or no forms of discipline. Both kinds of parents, of course, believe that their way is the best. What harm or good can come from a parent being too controlling or demanding of their child is the main dilemma for parents.Another main area of discrepancy is what each kind of parent considers abusive behavior. In an article by C. J. Newton, a learning specialist, he helps to distinguish exactly what constitutes emotional child abuse. The National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect describes it as â€Å"acts or omissions by the parents or other caregivers that have caused, or could cause, serious behavioral, cognitive, emotional, or mental disorders. † The article then goes on to list the various kinds of abuse. These include belittling, coldness, cruelty, harassment, isolating, and rejec ting. Newton) However, not all parents may agree with this definition of abuse or feel that the benefits still outweigh the faults. The children of â€Å"Tiger† parents may be good at school, sports, or playing instruments but there are definite drawbacks. Many different studies and surveys have been conducted on the subject and they have all come up with very negative results. I also conducted a survey on extreme parenting. The survey was given to 50 random students who are currently members of Professor Van Eck’s English 250 class at Ferris State University.The results of this survey were also considerably critical of extreme parenting. â€Å"Tiger† parenting is extremely rough on children and can hurt them psychologically and emotionally. The lasting scars that this parenting style inflicts on children can never measure up to the benefits. Supporters of extreme parenting say what many people consider aggressive or extreme parenting techniques are just a part of good, responsible parenting. Amy Chau is the Chinese American mother of two daughters and the author of Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother.In her book she describes how she raised her daughters in what she calls the Traditional Chinese way. At the beginning the first chapter Chau lists of some of the things her daughters where never allowed to do. These include: attend a sleepover, have a playdate, be in a school play, complain about not being in a school play, watch tv or play computer games, choose their own extracurricular activities, get any grade less than an A, and not be the No. 1 student in every subject except gym and drama. (3-4) One common form of discipline extreme parents use is spanking.According to the article â€Å"Corporal Punishment† on Facts on File more than 90% of parents admit to having spanked their children and between 60% and 70%, admit to spanking them regularly. The article goes on to point out how critics of spanking think it is outrages that child ren remain the only people in America who may be legally beaten. (Corporal) However, most of the students in my survey found spanking to be an acceptable form of discipline. The three forms they objected to were slapping, verbal insults, and yelling. I completely agree with these results.None aggressive forms of discipline are the best kind. This is one of the main reasons extreme parenting is inappropriate. A parent should discipline their child with punishments such as time-outs, groundings and taking away their privileges. Spanking is the only exception but, should only be employed for special circumstances. It is difficult to say exactly what constitutes an appropriate time to spank your child. However, spanking a child should never be a regular occurrence and a parent must always be in control of their emotions while doing it.If a parent must spank their child regularly it may begin to turn abusive and is obviously not fixing the problem. A more relaxed parenting style is bette r for building children's self-confidence, because the children see that their parents' love does not depend on their academic success. When a parent is constantly focused on their child’s academic success the child will begin to feel they are not good enough for their parent. Obviously, this is will hurt their self-esteem a lot. â€Å"Tiger† parents see their tough love approach as preparing their child for whatever the world throws at them.Yet, According to the article by Pinky McKay, the mother of five, an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and a Certified Infant Massage Instructor, when parents comfort their crying babies it actually helps teach their brains to manage stress well. This is based on a recent studies that show leaving babies to cry alone increases their stress hormones. This abandonment could also lead children to have stress disorders such as panic, anxiety and depression later in life. (McKay) While the children in this artic le are very young it proves that tough love is not always the best technique.A parent needs to always support their child. They should push their child to succeed but, in an encouraging manner. Extreme parenting encourages conformity but not creativity. These extreme parents make every big decision for their child. By controlling their every move they do not allow them do discover their own interest or abilities. My parents were strict but in no way extreme. When it came to being punished, often just the threat of a punishment would be enough. They set up an environment were certain rules and behaviors had to be abided by. My siblings and I knew what the consequences of our bad behavior would be.Simply having clearly defined rules lead us to be, for the most part, well behaved children. When it came to extracurricular activities are parents did not control are decisions at all. Because they allowed us this freedom we all became very unique individuals with varying interests. For exa mple my one brother was in a lot of sports and enjoyed being active. My other brother never played any sports, but was in every school play. Strict parents have a very limited idea of what constitutes success and set their children up for failure. Most extreme parents focus on their child’s academic achievement.This causes their children to see academic success as the only kind of success. Therefore, if they do not do well in school they are complete failures at life. Yan Sun has been a professor of political science at the City University of New York since 1992 and has published two books as well as numerous academic papers about China. Sun’s article in The New York Times describes why in China there is such a strong emphasis on education. She explains that it originated from a tradition of preparing the best and brightest for the challenging imperial exams.Today, this strict parenting is fueled by parents concerns about academic competition and professional opportuni ties. The gaokao, a college entrance exam has even been known to push students to suicide. Sun concludes by discussing how too much parental guidance can lead to a loss in creativity, individuality, and leadership skills. (Sun) The most alarming part of this article is how students have committed suicide because of an exam. This just goes to show how too much emphasis on academics can end disastrously.These students obviously saw academics as the only kind of success and if they couldn’t do well on the exam then they had no reason to live. This is an extremely sad and untrue belief. Successful adults are not always the ones who excelled in school. Success comes in many different forms and in many different ways. An excellent example of someone who was successful without academics is Mark Zuckerburg. He is the CEO of Facebook and the youngest billionaire in the world. Zuckerburg attended Harvard University for two years before dropping out to further develop his social network ing site Facebook.If his parents had been extreme parents they would have never allowed him to leave Harvard to pursue his entrepreneurial dreams, and we might not have Facebook. His father encourages parents to support their children's strengths and passions with a balance of â€Å"work and play. † Just because a child is successful at school does not mean they will be successful at life. The new trend called â€Å"Tiger† parenting is notorious for being harsh, yet these parents insist that they do it for the betterment of the child. However, a recent study indicates that this extreme parenting is a lot tougher on children then these parents may realize.According to an article by Stephanie Pappas, a Houston-based science writer with a Bachelor of arts in psychology and a minor in medical humanities, Desiree Baolian Qin, a professor in the department of human development and family studies at Michigan State University, conducted a series of studies to evaluate the effe cts of â€Å"Tiger† parenting on children. To do this she compared Chinese-American ninth graders with European-American ninth-graders at the same highly competitive U. S. school. Qin explained that strict parenting and high academic achievement are common in Chinese immigrant families.She discovered that the Chinese students reported higher levels of conflict in their families, mainly around education, and lower levels of cohesion. These students were also more stressed and depressed than their American classmates, and showed lower self-esteem. Qin concluded that â€Å"the more conflict and less cohesion in a teen's family, the more likely they were to have poor mental health†. When the students were questioned many complained that their parents constantly talked about academics, reacted passionately to their failures, and regularly compared them to other high achievers, such as their old siblings.The results for this study speak for themselves. Both the American and Chinese students were considered high achievers, but the Chinese students showed a considerably larger amount of issues. There is a big cultural difference between western and Chinese parenting styles. â€Å"Tiger† or Chinese parents usually consider themselves to be superior to â€Å"western† parents. They feel that their strict parenting style helps their child be successful. However, the results from this study indicate that â€Å"Western† and â€Å"Chinese† parenting styles lead to equally successful children.The only difference is that the â€Å"Chinese† students feel a lot more pressure and thus have more mental issues such as depression and anxiety. After, looking at these results it is hard for one to say that â€Å"Chinese† parents are really superior. In fact, these results imply that â€Å"Tiger† parenting does a lot more harm than good for a child. These Chinese children may turn out to be very successful adults but it is not necessary to use such harsh parenting. Children may become afraid of their parents because of their strict rules and even begin to hide things. â€Å"Tiger† parents say it is not their job to be their child’s friend.However, they cannot be a proper parent if their child is scared of them. Lylah M. Alphonse is a senior editor and writer at Yahoo! ‘s Shine and a Boston-based journalist, writer, editor, and blogger. In one of Alphonse’s articles she gives her point of view on extreme parenting used by mothers like Amy Chau. Alphonse describes how Chau once threw a birthday card in her daughters face and told her it wasn’t good enough. After describing this situation she poses a very good question: â€Å"That kind of â€Å"motivation† rarely works on an adult. So why is it OK to talk like that to a child? (Alphonse) This kind of discipline is undoubtedly very hurtful towards the child. When a child constantly fears that they will disappoint their parents it could cause them to pull away. They may not tell their parents about a problem they are having because they fear their reaction. This can be very dangerous for the child. Children need to be able to confide in their parents. For example, they may be struggling in school but are afraid to tell their parents. This could lead to them falling even farther behind. Because â€Å"Tiger† parents control every aspect of their child’s life, they become dependent on their parents.These children count on their parents to make every decision for them and thus lack the vital skill of decision making. Over 68% of the students in my survey said that they believed strict parenting leads to less confident children. These extreme parents may help steer their children in the right direction but they won’t always be there to make their decisions for them. Being able to make big decisions is not easy but it is a skill everyone should have. Because these parent struct ure every part of the child’s life they are not properly prepared to live on their own as adults.One of the hardest decisions I have had to make is what career field to enter into. While my parents helped me to make this decision by making suggestions and guiding me the end decision was ultimately mine. An extreme parent may even make this decision for their child. However, it is not their decision to make because it is the child who must live with the results of it. In the end It is better for a child to be happy, than successful. Author Kate Wharmby Seldman is the Health and Entertainment Editor at Opposing Views and she reported on some very extreme parenting in one of her articles.The article is about a beauty pageant mother in San Francisco who regularly injects her eight-year-old daughter with Botox to â€Å"get rid of wrinkles,† so she can compete in beauty pageants. The mother claims this helps her daughter gain an edge in beauty pageants. (Seldman) This mother is not your typical kind of extreme parent. She is not pushing her daughter in school but, in beauty pageants. Many will probably agree that what this mother is doing is very extreme. While giving her daughter these injections may give her a leg up in these competitions it cannot be pleasant to receive them.Nobody likes to get shots, especially not little girls. Plus, her daughter is so young it can have little effect anyway. This mother is causing her daughter unnecessary pain and raising her daughter to have an extremely skewed sense of self-worth. Personally, I would choose happiness over success any day. Perhaps the worst result of extreme parenting is that the bad memories will stay with the child forever. Lac Su is an executive for TalentSmart, a global think tank and management consulting firm and a writer after 5 p. m. and on the weekends.In an article written by Su he shares his own personal experience with being the child of â€Å"tiger† parents. He begins his arti cle with stating how horrified he was after reading about Amy Chau new book. Su describes how he was also raised by â€Å"tiger† parents and that still today he â€Å"bears the wounds† from it. Su’s parents would constantly remind him that he was stupid because he didn’t excel at school and forbid him to spend time with friends no matter how hard he worked. Perhaps the most terrifying story he tells is how his parents would force him to eat the brain of a cow every weekend in an attempt to â€Å"cure† his stupidity.Su ends his article with a plea to Chau saying, â€Å"I would trade every last bit of my success in life to live without the deep wounds given to me by a Tiger Mother. † (Su) Childhood experiences shape our lives and stay with us forever. Some of my fondest memories are from when I was a kid. I can remember playing outside with my siblings almost every day. We spent most of our time in the woods behind are house, exploring and pla ying games. Even so, my siblings and I all did well in school. We knew that we could play as long as we wanted to, as long as we finished our work first.Simply put childhood is the time to be a child. Extreme parents are ruining this precious time for their children. They are so concerned about their children’s future that they sacrifice the happiness and carefree experience of being a child. You only get to be young once. Parents shouldn’t spoil this experience for their children. In conclusion, extreme parenting is simply too extreme and should be avoided by parents. There is no one perfect way to raise a child, nor is there a perfect parent. Nevertheless, certain parenting techniques should never be used. â€Å"Tiger† parenting may get results but, it is not the only way.A happy child does not spend all their time practicing the violin, doing their homework and learning to speak a foreign language. It is much easier to order someone to work harder when they a re struggling, than to talk with them about why they are having problems and try to find a solution. It is okay for a parent to have high expectations for their child but they should convey those expectations in a caring and lov ing way. Discipline can be extremely beneficial to a child but too much will do the opposite. The most important thing to remember is that a child must still be allowed to be a child.

Choosing Between an Objective and Projective Test for Children

Choosing Between an Objective and Projective Test for Children The Dood Caoek Joms University It has been observed that there has been a growing acceptance and understanding to the necessity and value of personality testing. It is at this stage in time where there is increasing demand and consumption for such services, met by a diverse range of offerings, it is important to know the ideal service to meet one’s needs.Keeping this in mind, this essay will attempt to compare and contrast between two known personality tests, the Five-factor Personality Inventory-Children (FFPI-C), an objective test, and the Rotter incomplete sentences blank (RISB), a projective test, as to their similarities, differences, advantages, disadvantages and suitability for children.The two mentioned tests, the RSIB and FFPI-C are similar in that they utilize a scoring guide provided, whereby responses are given scores which are used to identify specific states or predictions about the subject within the ir respective manual, providing for standardization and consistency in evaluation (Rogers, Bishop, Lane, 2003, p. 239; Klingbeil, 2009, p. 61). Another similarity is that both tests are easily administered either to an individual or large groups without need for special environmental or situational prerequisites for a general administration.A more significant similarity is that both tests are capable of either testing for a subject’s deviation from a population norm or for a specific trait within a subject (Churchill & Crandall, 1955, p. 345; McGhee, Ehrler, Buckhalt, 2007, p. 207). As seen from above, the similarities between the two tests are confined largely to the method of assessment and also the ease of administrating the tests. The differences however begin from the fundamentals of what the tests aim to get from the subjects and how the assessor views the responses from the subjects.The RISB aims to illicit projective responses that contains emotive and referencing ele ments from its subjects, in a situation whereby the purpose and or method of assessment is unknown (Rogers, Bishop, Lane, 2003, p. 236). The subject under those circumstances will be unable to attempt responding in favor for a particular outcome, and even if the subject attempts to respond neutrally to emulate a non-response, the indicated non-response or even a refusal to provide any input in itself is a consideration within the RISB scoring guide. The RISB however has a cut-off point to the number of omitted or ncomplete responses wherein hit or exceed would render the test voided (Rotter & Willerman, 1947, p. 45). Responses from the RISB when scored objectively as according to the manual will allow for the assessor to make an analysis based on its established baseline. Given situations whereby a deeper analysis is required, an experienced practitioner can utilize psychodynamic interpretation to individually analyze each of the response, wherein various aspects such as time taken for responses, content and even the tone or language used are taken into consideration for specific meanings or relations (Rogers, 1978, p. 137). The FFPI-C in contrast is objective in its nature whereby participants are required to fill up a questionnaire where two opposing views are place upon a single line, presenting them with five choices of appreciating either one of the views in terms of â€Å"agree† or â€Å"somewhat agree† on each side, and a â€Å"in between† selection which participants are encourage to avoid using unless if they are unsure as to how they feel about a given question(McGhee, Ehrler, Buckhalt, 2007, p. 02). The FFPI-C’s objective style of testing differs from the RISB’s projective stance in the sense that the subjects are limited to given choices of responses to specific questions. That is not to say that the FFPI-C is in any way inferior to the RISB due to the limitation of a subject’s response, but simply that the approach is fundamentally different (Masling, 1997, p. 265).The advantage in the objective testing method of the FFPI-C is that it is straight forward and that it leaves little room for abnormalities or unprecedented responses that would be beyond what the inventory encompasses. Unlike the RISB, the FFPI-C relies upon the adherence to its given guidelines when scoring, leaving only further interpretation of the results when necessary to the assessor’s discretion (McGhee, Ehrler, Buckhalt, 2007, p. 203). The FFPI-C’s objective of testing would be ideal in a situation whereby the subject is honest and sincere in answering the question.However, if the subject was to be unwilling to or has a disposition to provide for inaccurate responses, such as a child would try to answer in favor of a more positive manner to impress or conceal certain details, then the scores gathered will result in a wrong interpretation of the subject’s state (Masling, 1997, p. 264). The RISB has an upper hand in that aspect as mention previously in that it does not provide any hints on how the scoring will go or the implications of a response, thus making any form of deliberate bias or inaccurate response very difficult especially for a child.Furthermore, the RISB’s projective nature allows for the assessor to look further read into a single or a train of responses to draw relational or contextual interpretations. This will allow for picking out nuances and valuable information that would have been lost in the FFPI-C’s objective testing. To administer the FFPI-C on a larger scale, for example within a school population, would be ideal in that it may be administered and assessed on either paper or computer. The FFPI-C due to its standardized question and answer structure can be digitally scored without error, allowing for fast yielding of analysis (Masling, 1997, p. 64). The RISB however in this case is limited in its methods of assessment in the sense tha t it has to be scored by hand, with each response taken into consideration. Within a large setting such as a school population, the RISB may take much more time to be scored and there is also the possibility of the occurrence of human error in scoring the responses. As one can observe from the above points, there are pros and cons attributed to each of the tests and that each one of the tests is suited best for a specific situation.But as far as suitability for child testing goes, the RISB is shown to be the choice test to use, reason being as mentioned, there is little indication from the test structure whereby a child may determine what would be the â€Å"favorable† answer to give or pick, the response yielded from the test may contain secondary information beyond the standardized scores and the assessment method that requires for the evaluator to score each response individually will further enhance the emphasis on each input made.Much as the FFPI-C is reliable and efficie nt, it does not account for as much depth as the RISB is capable of with its utilization of psychodynamic applications. Reference Churchill, R. (1955). The reliability and validity of the rotter incomplete sentences test. Journal of consulting psychology. 19, 345-350. Klingbeil, D. , A. (2009). Test review: A review of the five factor personality inventorychildren. 35, 61-64. doi: 10. 1177/1534508408326248 Masling, J. , M. (2010). On the nature and utility of projective tests and objective tests. Journal of personality assessment. 69: 2, 257-270. McGhee, R. , L. , Ehler, D. , J. , Buckhalt, J. A. (2008). Test Reviews: Five factor personalityinventory – Children. 26:2, 202-209. doi. 10. 1177/0734282907312830 Rogers, K. , E. , Bishop, J. , Lane, R. , C. (2003). Consideration for the use of incompletesentence tests. Journal of contemporary psychotherapy. 33: 3, 235-242. Rogers, G. (1978). Content analysis of the rotter incomplete sentences blank and theprediction of behaviour ra tings. Educational and psychological measurement. 38,1135-1141. doi. 10. 1177/001316447803800434 Rotter. , J. , B. & Willerman, B. (1947). The incomplete sentences test as a method of studyingpersonality. Journal of consulting psychology. 11:1, 43-48.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Location Decision and Sustainability Essay

In this paper we are going to give an in-depth perspective on the subjects of location decision, clusters and corporate social responsibility. First, we will address the location decision subject. Second, we will discuss clusters and different cluster types. Last, we will review the corporate social responsibility subject. After giving an in-depth perspective on the three subjects, we will discuss the relationship between these different topics. Location Decision Location decision is an important strategic decision that must be considered by a firm. It is important because the location strategy could affect the ability of the firm to reach it consumer, to produce in economic scale, or even to get access to the resource they needs. Location decision could also be able to give the firm a competitive advantage, because of transfer of knowledge, innovation, specialisation, and complementariness. In choosing a country, there are two main dimensions that usually be considered. Those two main dimensions are country competitiveness and also risk of the country. The country competitiveness usually is divided into two main categories, which are the market competitiveness and also the industry competitiveness. A firm should able to assess those categories to find out in which location or in which country they should operate to maximize their opportunity and profits and minimize their risks and costs. Country Opportunity Assessing the market opportunity for a country means that we assessing the potential demand that available in a country. The variables that take into account for this assessment are the growth of the market, the size of the market, and also the quality of the demand that exist on the market in a certain country. This market assessment will define whether it is worth or not to start a business in that country, will the firm have a good demand or not, and will that demand able to generate profit for the firm or not. Looking some macroeconomics indicators can assess the market opportunity. Those indicators can be the GDP, GDP per capita, and income distribution, etc. ooking to those indicators can give us an insight about the market size of the country or country buying power compared to another country, etc. the quality of demand is describing the segmentation of the countries. Generally countries are grouped into 4 main clusters: †¢Developing countries, low income per capita, and low growth †¢Emerging countries, relatively low income per capita but high in growth †¢The newly industrialized economies, high growth and moderate to high wealth †¢The final cluster, low growth and high wealth, usually these countries have already reached their ‘maturity’. The other important opportunity that needs to be considered is the industry opportunities. The industry opportunity is including a broad part of aspects. Those aspects are the resource (including human resource and natural resource), the infrastructures, and also government policies (such as government incentive to enhance foreign investment, or tax reduction). A company needs to consider the human resource issue. It is usually addressing the quality of the labor in a country. It is also considering the minimum wages or average wages of labor in a country. That issue is an important issue because it will affect the production cost and production process. The natural resource issue usually also become some major strategic issue because it enables the firm to get closer to the input that they needs including strategic geographical location that can benefits their mobility. Country Risks Beside the opportunities, a firm should also consider the risks of the country. There are some major risks that need to be considered. Political risk, this risk have a high relation with the government policies and political condition in each country. A country with an unstable politic environment may have higher risk of rioting or policy changed. It can cause disadvantage for the firm such as vandalism to firm’s assets, or difficulties from the bureaucracy. Economic risk, this economic risk is including the inflation rate, economic growth, exchange rates of the currency, and also the variability. A firm needs to consider it carefully because it surely will affect the company stability and profitability. Competitive risk, this risk refers to the risk that company gets from the competition, the business group, cartels, or even the competitive advantage among product that being sold in the company. Operational risk, this risk is covering the risks from infrastructures, supplier policy, or even government regulation such as taxation, and nationalistic preference. Location Strategy After knowing the opportunity and the risks that exist in a country. A company should use that data to forming their strategy. The firm needs to compare a list of country to know which country that is the best for their investment, considering the risk and the opportunity of each of them. Clusters In this section of the paper we are going to discuss clusters. In order to explain what clusters are, we will use the definition given to clusters by Michael Porter (1990), which he used for his study of clusters. â€Å"clusters are geographic concentrations of interconnected companies, specialized suppliers, service providers, firms in related industries, and associated institutions in a particular field that compete but also cooperate†. There are many different types of clusters, which we will discuss below. However, we are going to start by explaining how and why corporations form clusters. Usually for clusters to arise there are already certain resources and capabilities available in a certain area, which are important for the industry and thus the cluster that is formed there. Next, there need to be several corporations that see the advantages of joining and creating a cluster. This is necessary so the different corporations can work together to improve their cluster and add value to it. This will attract new players for it, who can add even extra value to the created cluster. As this process continues, more players tent to join the cluster because it becomes more important every time for the general industry on which the cluster is based, but also because a lot of knowledge and resources are generated within the cluster on which a corporation not joining it, would miss out. Besides generating a lot of knowledge and industry advantages, clusters also improve the general competitiveness of a certain area. Moreover, they can significantly boost the economy of the area were the cluster is situated as many employment opportunities are created alongside the expansion of the cluster. According to the research of Lundequist and Power (2002) four types of clusters exist. These are the industry-led initiatives, the top-down cluster-branding exercises, the visionary projects and temporal clusters. We will discuss each type separately below. The industry-led initiatives are clusters that depend greatly on involving the public sector into the cluster. Moreover, they are the key importance of regional economic growth in their area and they can even bring national economic growth. The second cluster type is the top-down cluster-branding exercises. This type does not have the industry as its key building block but instead builds on the public sector. Also, this type does not find the creation of the clusters itself very important, but focuses on the creation of a brand name first. The third cluster type is the visionary cluster. As the name says, this cluster builds on one strong vision and it therefore needs good leadership in order to execute this vision. Thus, this type needs ‘cluster motors’ (Lundequist and Power, 2002) which are firms that can really start up the cluster and keep it going. In order to sustain this cluster there needs to be a good task division in terms of responsibilities and tasks. This all needs to be supported by a good and strong network and environment. The last cluster type is the temporal cluster and is usually build up around natural resources and physical conditions. Noteworthy is that this type can even be climate-driven and seasonal, meaning that the cluster does not always exist outside certain seasons for example. Lundequist and Power (2002) mention some similarities in all these types of clusters and they are worth mentioning quickly. First, all types work best when there are multiple players with a large interest in the cluster. Moreover, it is important that a clear vision is present for it. Above we mentioned the ‘cluster motors’ which is especially important with regard to the visionary cluster, but all types benefit greatly if such motors are present. Second, it is important if every corporation has a clear view of what they add to the cluster. Thus, good management should be present to support this. Third, it was mentioned explicitly for the second cluster type, but again all types benefit from brand building and thus attention should be paid to marketing this. Last, the progress made within the clusters is very important and appropriate policies and strategies should be present to support this. To conclude, not all cluster types fit exactly in the definition given at the beginning of this part but all have proven to be successful initiatives (Lundequist and Power, 2002). However next to Porter also Eden (2002) and Markusen (1996) identified a cluster typology. According to Eden a cluster could be horizontal (specialized) or vertical (complementary). However it must be said that Eden actually identifies the cluster characteristics than cluster types. Markusen on the other hand identifies the type of clusters by the geographic area, the type of clusters are formed within a metropolitan area. The four types she identifies are Marshallian Industrial Districts and Subdistricts, Hub and Spoke Industrial Districts, Satellite Platform Districts and State Anchored Industrial Districts. The typology in her case is derived from the geographic, public or private investment decisions, the availability of labor, and amount of trade within and outside the district. It is said that there are several similarities between Markusen and Porter’s work. (Fraizer and Zelbst, 2010) Corporate Social Responsibility Affected by the globalization and thus growing importance and awareness of ethics and human rights, as well as being environmentally, socially and economically responsible, internationally operating corporations have to deal with a lot more issues than several years ago. This area of growing importance is called â€Å"Corporate Social Responsibility† (CSR) and will be explained as follows: In the past decades most of the corporations did not care about issues like sustainable development, business ethics, human rights or global citizenship, instead only focused on making as much financial profit as they can, however they could achieve it. But over the last several years the number of natural disasters and the increasing warming of the planet have made the people more aware of issues such as sustainable development and allocation of resources. Furthermore the globalization and advanced technologies such as the World Wide Web make the markets and the operations of internationally operating corporations much more transparent to all parties concerned. This is why consumer have also started to base their buying-decision on issues such as human rights, business ethics and sustainable development and take into account if a company does well in the field of â€Å"Corporate Social Responsibility† or not. Moreover, laws and public initiatives put a lot more pressure on corporations to improve ethical and sustainable actions in the regions they are operating in. As a consequence, companies started to consider these aspects more seriously than before and tried to implement such topics in their strategic activities. To combine ethical, environmental and social aspects with economic aspects is a challenge and one of the most difficult strategic issues corporations have to deal with. Nowadays, corporations are ade feel responsible for the regions they are operating in, as well as for the people who are working for them. Because of that, â€Å"Corporate Social Responsibility† has become one of the core strategic issues of them to maintain a good image, which is finally responsible for their financial results. By investing in their employees, in infrastructure of the region they are operating in and in acting natural friendly or investing in sustainable energy, corporations not only generate a greater image of them and help the public, they also make finally profit out of it. Because of that, we can say that it is a â€Å"win-win situation† for both. Customers are being strongly influenced by such issues, because they sensitively recognize the â€Å"Corporate Social Responsibility† performance of a corporation. When a company does well in this field, the customer is finally willing to buy its product or to keep on buying its product, because he or she feels comfortable investing in a company who helps the public and treats its employees very well. This finally results in better revenues, which is a financial parameter. Furthermore employees are feeling much more comfortable and thus work more efficient, when the corporation gives them the feeling of feeling important and investing in them. Higher Efficiency finally results in better products, which affects the buying-decision of the customer, again. Moreover business partner and suppliers are more willing to cooperate with a corporation, who has a good image and who treats them fairly. By cooperating with good business partner and suppliers the corporation ensures good quality of its products, which finally results in better products and thus greater customer-satisfaction, again. So we can see that there is a strong correlation between the financial performance of a corporation and its social performance, which we also know as â€Å"Corporate Social Responsibility†. Additionally, according to Kanji and Chopra (2010) these are the six dimensions in CSR that are most important for companies, they are (1) Organizational Strategic Planning Systems, (2) Social accountability and Social Investment, (3) Environment Protection and sustainability, (4) Corporate Governance and Economic Responsibility, (5) Ethics and Human Resources, and (6) Corporate Social Responsibility Index. Furthermore, there are more advantages of â€Å"Corporate Social Responsibility† than the financial one, which we can see while looking at the business relations, mentioned above. Although, â€Å"Corporate Social Responsibility† has become much more important over the last years, it is still a field, which has to be more researched about, when we refer to the number of articles already published. The less number of articles published in this field could be related to its definitions, which are very broaden and sometimes difficult to express, because of large number of issues involved. To sum it up, because of the growing awareness of ethical, social and sustainable activities of corporations the field of â€Å"Corporate Social Responsibility† has become a core strategic activity of corporations and for some even a source of competitive advantage. Location decision, clusters and CSR in relationship. As one can already notice when reading the in-depth perspectives above, there are some common grounds for the three topics. When one forms a cluster it will likely increase the country opportunity by specifically creating very attractive industry opportunities. As the cluster generates knowledge, resources, and capabilities attractive for some specific firms. Moreover, they create the necessary infrastructure and often the right political climate is thus present. Often this contributes to better economic circumstances in that area or region, increasing the market opportunities. Market opportunities are strongly connected to corporate social responsibility. Often industrialized countries demand more corporate social responsibility of a firm than a developing country does. Again this whole process influences the location decision that a company has to make and the market attractiveness for a firm.

Monday, July 29, 2019

On current news Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

On current news - Essay Example The image that an audience holds of the individual will influence how they will react to the information, whether they will accept or reject it (Edlund and Pomona, 2012) Drawing a difference between kairos and chronos has been achieved through examining the effect that each has on an audience. Whereas kairos focuses on an opportune moment in time, and is more relevant to an audience, chronos focuses on a longer span of time, thus not being appropriate for general audiences (Edlund and Pomona, 2012) The four basic components of visual design are: type of text used in making an appeal, space or layout used, use of color and the use of images and graphics. With regards to type, large font type has been use to make the text easily readable, considering that the text is lengthy. Space or layout within the course has been useful in showing the importance of the discussion and also in creating a clear relationship among the parts. The use of plain color within the course has helped in creating an academic impression. Finally, the lack of images within the course is reasonable, considering that images are only useful in condensing information, whereas the content within the course is of fair

Sunday, July 28, 2019

SC2C67C Rights, social justice and diversity. (Criminology subject) Essay

SC2C67C Rights, social justice and diversity. (Criminology subject) - Essay Example His major thesis was that the basic equalities that we all share as ‘citizens’ in modern western industrialized democracies have the effect of reducing or ameliorating basic inequalities. In T.H. Marshall’s view, citizenship should mean an enhancement in the concrete substance of civil life, a general reduction of risk and insecurity, an equalisation between the more and less fortunate people in all areas and at all levels (p.1965). The main purpose of citizenship according to T.H. Marshall is to achieve a fuller measure of equality, an enrichment of the various aspects of which the status is made, and an increase in the number of those on whom the status of citizenship is bestowed. Equalisation is not so much between classes as between individuals within a population which is now taken as one class. Equality of status is considered to be more important than equality of income (Dwyer, 2004: p.1965). The rights of citizenship: Dwyer (2004: p.1965) states that T.H. Marshall had delineated three rights, as integral to citizenship: civil (legal), political and social: The civil element is composed of the rights necessary for individual freedom – liberty of the person, freedom of speech, thought and faith, the right to own property and to conclude valid contracts, and the right to justice. The political element is the right to participate in the exercise of political power, which includes universal suffrage, which is the right to vote without restrictions such as property qualifications, and the right to hold public office. The social element is the whole range from the right to basic economic welfare and security, to the right to share in the full in the social heritage, and to live a civilized life according to the standards prevailing in society (Dwyer, 2004: p.1965). The duties of citizenship: Corresponding to the rights are the duties of citizenship: paying taxes and insurance contributions, education

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Globalisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Globalisation - Essay Example The opportunity hidden in globalisation has led to the development of globalisation. The first opportunity that globalisation provides us free trade facility and its resultant effect on the global economy (Milward, 2003, p.10). Free trade would lead to an increase in the trade which would increase the financial flows between various economies. Globalisation would result in an increase in free trade which would increase lateral financial flows and the redistributed capital would help to pull up the impoverished countries from their financial woes. The second opportunity provided by globalisation in development of a transnational framework which would help in the development of a smooth trade system. The origin of internationalisation of industry and commerce can derived from both macroeconomic approach and micro economic approach. The macro economics approach consists of expansion of firms' activities beyond the countries where they have their registered offices can be explained with the help of international division of labour theory and the huge circuits of capital. A micro economic approach deals with the theory of product life cycle and Dunning Eclectic Paradigm (Hansen, 2009, p.3). Nation’s now have less control over their individual industries and economies so the global network is assuming more control over the markets around the world. The global network must keep in mind the welfare of both the global community and the individual nations. Globalisation refers to the intensification of the relationship between various countries which has been set with the help of internationalisation. Foreign Direct Investment involves transfer of intangible or tangible assets from one country to another in order to generate wealth in that country through total or partial control over their assets (Sornarajah, 2010, p.8). Foreign Direct Investment is one of the key elements of the rapidly evolving international economy. This is also referred as globalisation. Fore ign Direct Investment helps to create a stable, long lasting and direct link between economies. Under a correct environmental policy the Foreign Direct Investment can serve as an important tool for the purpose of development of local enterprise. Foreign Direct Investment helps in economic development of the developing countries. The level of economic development is higher in the case of FDI than in licensing, franchising or exporting (Jones and Wren, 2006, p.9). Foreign Direct Investment infers when a group of companies or individuals of one country buy assets of another country (OECD, 2009, p.14). The acquisition of the assets happen when foreign companies or individuals to control the means of production as well as distribution. Example- a company in US can purchase a production facility in Australia. By acquiring the production facility in Australia, the corporation can control the entire production process from US. This would help to ensure the quality of the product. A foreign direct investor can have a varying amount of stake in the company invested by him. FDI indicates at least 10% ownership in a company which helps the investor to control the daily affairs of the company as compared to licensing, export and franchising where very control can be exerted (Cohen, 2007, p.38). Some countries have a cap on the equity investment in their country. FDI helps in generating economic growth for a country so it preferred over licensing, franchising and exporting (Neuhaus, 2006, p.42). People who buy stocks in the company own a part of the company and have the ability to control the affairs of the co

Friday, July 26, 2019

Critically appraise the contribution of Le Grand's knights, knaves, Essay

Critically appraise the contribution of Le Grand's knights, knaves, pawns and queens framework to our u - Essay Example In support of his theory, Le Grand provided the following example: in the ‘classic’ era of the welfare state (1945-79), presumed that the motivation of the public servants was their professional ethic and the interests of those they served were of great concern to them. They appeared as public-spirited altruists (or knights) as they carried out their duties in the public interest. Taxpayers came out in the same light as the public servants because of their willingness to pay taxes. However, as per Le Grand’s theory, after 1979 the public experienced grave assaults on assumptions about motivation and behavior. There was the presumption that the public could understand the behavior of public officials and professionals if they appeared self-interested. Ultimately, it seemed objectionable that the beneficiaries of services received treatment as passive recipients-rather the consumer should be the king (Le Grand 1997). This paper examines the worth of Le Grand’ s contribution in ‘knights, knaves, pawns and queens’. This is in regards to the framework of our understanding of relationships between public authorities and organizations, which provider public services paid for. In that line, this paper looks at the merits and shortcomings of Le Grand’s contribution. ... such policies, two central questions that need answers: 1) Are public employees driven by primary self-interested motives or are they public-spirited altruists? 2) Do the recipients of services posse some capability to influence their situations or are their situations merely the product of broader social circumstances? (The ABCs of public service motivation, altruism, behavior, & compensation 2011) Logically he contends that the pay and incentive systems that stimulate the government servants enthusiasm should be formulated in such a manner that it is tough to both types of behavior; and that outsourcing of public sector work to non-profit bodies should not assume that these organizations are purely altruistic (Andrew 2004). This is one of the key contributions of this model that many scholars and researchers received well in this field of study. Flaws in Le Grand’s theory Le Grand’s contribution, since its introduction, has undergone remarkable scrutiny to date. Many scholars and institutions, in this field, have acknowledged, expanded or criticized this framework. The following are some of the issues that arise to challenge and expose the inadequacies that are in the model. Simplicity of the model raises a lot of concern. Many argue that his analysis is too simplistic a means of capturing the complexity of the realities of human motivation and agency. As there is a variety of knights and knaves, and people are not simply pawns or queens (Welshman 2004). For instance, knights exist in two types. The first type, act-relevant knights receive personal gratification from performing an altruistic act. The second type act-irrelevant knights receive personal gratification when those who need help receive it, regardless of who actually performs the helping act (The ABCs

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The responsibility of the individual to society Essay

The responsibility of the individual to society - Essay Example Each individual is saddled with the responsibility of working with other individuals of the society in order to help the society to achieve the goals and objectives of building a better world. It is through the symbiotic relationship that exists between the different individuals of the society that would guarantee the maintenance of the sovereignty of the society and the peaceful existence of each individual of the society. The law of nature has made it important for the individuals of the society to play specific roles. A notable philosopher, Antiphon stipulates that the law of Nature is based on each individual’s instinct to do things that would keep them away from danger, that is, individuals are expected to do things that are beneficial to life and naturally pleasant. The implication of this is that as individuals living in the society, they must try as much as possible to do things that are beneficial to the society. Antiphon described the adherence to the law of Nature a s the observance of the principle of self-preservation and when each individual have the instinct to do things that would keep them safe from danger, the society would also be free from danger. This law of nature must be observed by all the individuals living in the society and any attempt to evade the laws of nature would be met with dire consequences (Plato). Socrates believed that, individuals had the right to obey whichever authority, they choose to obey and that, individuals must take full responsibilities for these decisions (Walzer). This means that every individual is not under any compulsion to do things against their will. Socrates’ belief is based on the freedom of choice. Socrates’ argument is an epistemological one and the British philosopher, John Stuart Mill also belongs to this school of thought. Socrates and Mill believed that every individual have the innate ability to decide what is best for them (Walzer). Socrates believed that each individual must make attempt to discern the truth by themselves through closely controlled, self-effacing and tolerant dialogue (Walzer). Quite similar to Socrates’ arguments, Mill opined that the onus lies on the shoulders of the individual to decide what is best for him or her. According to Mill, â€Å"Justice implies something which it is not only right to do, and wrong not to do, but which some individual person can claim from us as his moral right.† (Mill par. 14). The two of them agree that people should tolerate the opinion of others as this would help in establishing the truth about a particular subject matter as the use of force or compulsion in making people accept a particular point of view is not the best pedagogical approach (Walzer). One of the founding fathers of the United States of America, Thomas Jefferson also recognizes the responsibility of the individual in a society. Jefferson spoke on how the American constitution should be interpreted and said that people shou ld be given freedom on how they observe the written laws of the constitution. He claims that the observance of the constitution is one of the obligations of each individual of the US, but it is not the most important priority, Jefferson asserts that the most important duty of every American citizen are to defend the country at all times and maintain the sovereignty of the country (Jefferson). According to Jefferson, â€Å"

Answer the questions Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Answer the questions - Case Study Example The temporal cortex is also much larger than predicted for an ape of our size, which might affect our language ability as this part of the brain contains Broca’s area, implicated in language use. d) From viewing chimps in the wild (The New Chimpanzees), can they be said to have a language? Include Uhlenbroek’s description of pant hoots, the chimp patrol of their territory, their displays in dominance of behaviour, and grooming and begging behaviour. These elements do seem to represent a kind of communication between chimps, so yes, it could be seen as a language by some, although not perhaps as advanced as human language. The differences in behaviours between different groups have been described as ‘cultural differences’. Koko had extensive exposure to sign language and did seem to pick up some elements of language, although the grammar was not perfect. Many of the utterances could just be imitation or nonsense. Michael learned much less than Koko because he was only alive for a short while, but perhaps the transmission of the signs could be seen as language transmission. Ndume does not currently use sign language. Although the video describes Koko has having a lot of knowledge and the gorilla does seem to know a lot of signs, it is not completely clear whether this is imitation or language and therefore is extremely difficult to describe. It does not seem to be a very strong case, although Koko does show extensive evidence of learning. Merely learning a lot of different signs or letters does not create language, although it is interesting that some of these signs were transmitted to another gorilla. However, it is also possible that sign language may not be the right medium for language and gorillas may have their own complex language structure in a form that humans cannot understand. Some people think that language is necessary for a culture, but there are many different aspects of culture (such as

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Explain how firms try to extract consumer surplus using two-part Essay

Explain how firms try to extract consumer surplus using two-part tariffs - Essay Example Consumer Surplus and two part tariffs Monopolist firms are always associated to price discrimination and two-part pricing. Monopoly market structure is a form of market structure in which there is only one consumer and several producers. The monopolists are able to effect two part tariffs because they have the market power and because the consumers have inelastic demand curve. Market power, on the other hand, refers to the firm’s ability to raise the price of a commodity in the market over the marginal cost of producing the good in order to increase profit. The monopolists who act as price makers in the market without losing their customers or decreasing their sales majorly enjoys market power. The goods produced in these markets are very essential to people and that is why they still purchase the goods when their prices increase (Perloff, 2012). Market power is majorly brought about by barriers to entry to the new firms by monopolists. Elasticity is an important factor when o ne wants to determine market power and this depends on the shape of the demand curve where the price is raised above the marginal cost curve by the firm. It is given by the equation below: Price/Marginal cost= price elasticity of demand/ (1 + price elasticity of demand) Elasticity is affected greatly by availability of substitutes in that the more substitutes a good has, the more elastic the commodity is likely to be. Lastly, time affects elasticity as it takes time for consumers to react to the changes in price of goods. It has been observed that the demand for goods may be inelastic in the short run but elastic in the end due to price increase (Goolsbee & Syverson, 2013). Two critical conditions should be satisfied for the two-part tariff to hold. The first condition is that the supplier must have market power and the other is that the producer should be able to control access to the market. According to Pindyck & Rubinfeld (2009) in case where there is only one type of consumers who have the same demand curve then firms captures the concept of consumer prices through setting the price that is equal to marginal cost. Moreover, the fixed fee is set at point where it is equal to the consumer surplus of individual consumer price. Ordinarily, the consumer would charge price Pm and produce quantity Qm which accords the firm a profit shown by region B. However, due to two part pricing the firm will charge price Pc and a fixed charge of ABC making the firm to increase its profit to ABC. By charging price Pc the firm will extract all the surplus and realize increase in profits by AC. Figure 1: the figure shows how consumer surplus is obtained when demand is homogeneous; the diagram applies for each consumer In case there are two types of consumers and all the consumers within the same group possess the same demand curve then the only way to capture consumer surplus is through maximizing the profit function with respect to the price. The firms can attain the consumer surplus in two ways with two kinds of consumers. The first way to attain consumer surplus is through selling to high yield customers (Goolsbee & Syverson, 2013). High yield customers are charged a price, which is equal to marginal cost, and the fee is set equal to the price of the high yield custom

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Non Functional Requirements for an SMS customer relation service Essay

Non Functional Requirements for an SMS customer relation service - Essay Example Availability also ensures that the system has a relevant location of operation that meets the relevant connection requirements. Besides, the availability component denotes the percentage of time in which the system is up and must be running correctly (Bochmann, 2009). Performance is another imperative non-functional key that every user should be acquainted with, in any system. The performance constraint must specify all the timing characteristics incorporated in the software. Some features and task are more time sensitive compared to others. Therefore, the non-functional requirement must be able to identify the software functions that contain any constraints on their performance. Performance also entails the response times which takes into account the loading time as well as the time the screen takes to open and the refresh durations. Other facets of performance include processing time, which entails imports, calculations, and exports. Lastly, the query together with the reporting times that take into consideration the initial and subsequent loads forms another important aspect of performance (Griffiths, 2009). Another essential facet to note is usability. It incorporates the ease of use necessity. It addresses the features that establish the capacity of any software to be easily learned, understood and used by the intended users (Stellman, 2010). Additionally, the usability component takes into account the look and feel standards that integrate screen element, density, keyboard shortcuts, flow and layout, UI metaphors and colors. Similarly, internationalization or localization requirements form an important feature of usability. Usability also takes into account paper sizes, keyboards, languages and spellings. The last non-functional key is security. It is very important to ensure that only trusted users can gain access to a system. The login requirements must maintain

Monday, July 22, 2019

Native Americans vs American Settlers Essay Example for Free

Native Americans vs American Settlers Essay There are a number of dissimilarities between the Native Americans and the American Settlers. Although the Native Americans wanted to live in peace with American Settlers, their cultural differences led to warfare. This essay will compare and contrast a couple differences of these two cultures. I will discuss both groups opinion on land and resources. Then, I will explain both groups’ views on Nature. Native Americans Conserved land and viewed its resources as scared, while the Americans felt as though the land was nothing but opportunity for their colonies. While hunting, Native Americans used every piece of the animal from the hide to the bones and everything in between. They respected the land and believed it belonged to mother-nature, so it could not be owned or sold. On the other hand, American settlers viewed the land and its resources as limitless opportunity. It is little wonder they went land-mad, because there was so much of it† (Steinbeck 69). They invaded the lands claiming territory, killing buffalo, and plowing through the grassy plains to make room for their crops. American settlers often fought to try to obtain land that they thought was free for the taking, whereas, the Native Americans tried to live in harmony with nature and its inhabitants. In the movie, We Shall Remain, Native Americans would try and negotiate with the Americans only to be threatened with the violence of warfare. Native Americans believed the creator put everything on this earth to live together and be used respectfully. They accepted nature and did not try to change it. The American settlers, however, didn’t hold the same beliefs. â€Å"The railroads brought new hordes of land-crazy people, and the new Americans moved like locust across the continent†¦ Coal and copper drew them on; they savaged the land, gold-dredged the rivers to skeletons of pebbles and debris† (Steinbeck 69). They viewed nature as nothing more than an obstacle and commodity. American settlers engaged in warfare, defending what they thought they discovered, to claim as their own. They were land hungry and the more they got, they more they wanted. American colonist never tried to understand the Native American’s culture. Instead they tried to push their European based ways onto them. This, in turn, caused a number of wars between the two. Sometimes it’s better to agree to disagree rather than to wage war on what is believed to be right/wrong.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Scan Of The Airline Industry For Flydubai Tourism Essay

Scan Of The Airline Industry For Flydubai Tourism Essay Dubai is considered one of the most important trading hubs in the Middle East region. Its rapid growth in its major infrastructure elements had attracted many multinational companies across the world to open their regional offices in the city. This had its positive effects on Dubai economical growth as it became a golden gate for regional Middle East businessmen to trade with other international companies. As a result of this, the need for a low cost airline that provides its services for business men within the region had increased. The city experience with the airline industry is not new as it is the home city of Fly Emirates, which is considered one of the best airlines in the region. This industry had its great effect on Dubai economical growth in the past 20 years and will have its strong impact in shaping the emirate future. In March 2008, the second low cost airline was lunched under the name of Flydubai and started its operations in Dubai International Airport Terminal 2 in J une 2009. (For more information on Flydubai and its operations, please refer to Appendix 1). We have defined our relevant market for Flydubai as a low cost carrier (LCC) within the product form level. Being positioned as a low cost national airline carrier, its facing a high competition from other national airlines which force the relevant market to be within the product form. (For more information on the relevant market please refer to appendix 2). This paper will focus on presenting an environmental scan of the airline industry within the Middle East region during the time frame of 3 years (2009-2012). In order to do so, we will identify the significant trends and their consequent implications on Flydubai relevant market. This report will include an in depth review of the macro, micro analysis and its implications of Flydubai relevant market in the next three years. Body: In identifying the major key trends in the macro environment of Flydubai, we have addressed several issues that include the political, social and economical trends. Flydubai was established by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Prime Minister and Vice-President, and Ruler of Dubai orders in march 2008 and started its operation in its first flight to Lebanon on June 1st 2009.Being fully owned by Dubai government and enjoy the full facilities offered in terminal 2 at Dubai International Airport, the company is having a competitive advantage compared to its rivals in the market as it enjoy the full government support and airport services. Furthermore, the current government trend in the labor force is towards emiratization and protecting labors rights. Being a part of the Fly Emirates Group, the organization will face no problem in emiratization as it will follow Fly Emirates emiratization strategy. The major challenge that Flydubai will face is being able to offer high paid jobs and reduce its operational costs as it is considered a low cost airline company. Living in the current financial crises era, Flydubai was established in one of the most difficult time the country economy had faced in the last 25 years. Falling oil prices, cooling real estate and construction markets, together with a slowdown in the tourism sector, especially in Dubai, means the UAE is expected to post low or possibly negative GDP growth in 2009, according to analysts (Arabian Business, 2009). This information may be considered negative to many airline companies but it may be positive to a low cost airline like Flydubai as people are now focusing more in reducing their expenses as the incomes are reduced. This means their tendency of consumers focusing more on prices is increasing. Furthermore, consumer behavior is changing towards low cost airlines especially in the Middle East region as consumers are persuaded by low prices and a better service offered by low cost airlines. According to a study done by Arabian Business website, it was found that 83 percent of the respondents would switch their preferred airline carrier, for a cheaper price, while 17.6 percent believed they would consider alternatives and trade off between the discount and lost air miles. It can thus be inferred that pricing plays a significant role in consumer behaviour and the decision making process especially in the current economic downturn era (Glass, 2008). According to Dubai department of Tourism and commerce marketing 3.85 million tourists had visited the emirate in the first half of 2009, a five percent increase on the same period of 2008. This figure strongly shows the current tourism industry market and how attractive it became even though of the current economical downturn. Other figures expect that the number of tourists will fall compared to 2008 figures but most figures have stated that there will be a positive growth in 2010. This figure shows that Flydubai will see a future growth rates in the coming 3 years as terrorism sector restore its high figures after overcoming the current downturn. As observed by Andrew Cowen, CEO of SAMA Airlines, the market is shifting from the traditional major airlines business travel towards low cost carriers for trips within the GCC. Business travelers are changing their perception of low cost carriers, supported by the current economic downturn and the increase number of foreign businesses within GCC countries entering the UAE. This shows a trend of an increasing demand for low cost carriers in the next three years (High time for low cost carriers, 2008). (For in depth information on the analysis of the macro environment of the airline industry please refer to Appendix 3) In identifying the major key trends in the micro environment the following aspects that includes, Customers, Employees, media, shareholders, competitors and suppliers. Customers who are price conscious are concerned with low cost airlines. Flydubai has focused on pricing strategy and flexibility because these two factors play a big role in determining the customers decision process on which airlines they choose to travel with. Moreover, the number of tourist from around the world including the region will grow more than 40% in the next 3 years in Dubai ( This shows that there will be increased number of customers who will use Flydubai airlines within the next three years due its successful use of pricing strategy and flexibility. The Employees of Flydubai have good experiences and they were carefully selected from twelve different nationalities. According to Kenneth Gile, chief operating officer of Flydubai said: We are extremely pleased with the talent of the pilots we have on board. On average, they each have more than 4,000 hours serving as captain in similar aircraft and a total experience of more than 8,000 flying hours this is impressive by any standard (Sambidge, 2009). Flydubai is fully owned by the government of Dubai and its considered as a part of its mother company the Emirates Group. The main strategy that Flydubai is willing to use for their marketing strategy is through word of mouth (buzz). This is because Flydubai is a low cost airline; they tend to set low budgets for their advertisements to keep their prices low. The direct competitors of Flydubai are Air Arabia and Al Jazeerah airlines because these two airlines are also low cost airlines in the same country as Flydubai. However, the major competitor of Flydubai is Air Arabia because, first of all, they are the first to claim about low cost airlines in the Middle East region. Moreover, they hold the highest market share in the relevant market as identified before. Our market share comparing to those two carries are low because Flydubai just recently launched to the market. But, within the next three years we expect rapid growth in the market share because Dubai is a destination for tourists. The major indirect competitor is Fly Emirates which stands as the leader in airline industry in the relevant market and it will keep its performance in the next three years. The second indirect competitor is Etihad Airlines which is growing fast because of the unlimited support from Abu Dhabi government. In addition, those airline carriers make low price offers for the same destination that we have flight lines to. The supplier of Flydubai is Boeing. Flydubai announced an order of 50 next generation 737 aircraft from Boeing. Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed al Maktoum said: The Boeing Next-Generation 737 is ideally suited to our mission to bring some two billion regional inhabitants affordable, efficient and flexible travel options to and from Dubai.(For more information on the micro environment analysis, please refer to Appendix 4). Implications: Primary demand: Low cost airlines are focusing on customers who are price conscious. The number of customers using the LCC airlines is increasing and it will continue growing in the next three years ( This is because, first of all, the percentage of tourists will increase by 40% within the next three years which shows that the market share of LCC will increase as well. Secondly, because of the economic condition, many people tend to save money and spend it on low cost airlines to travel more to the desired destinations. Users of Low cost airlines contain all different ages and nationalities. Moreover, cost is one of the main factors that affect customers ability to buy. The costs of these carriers are low and will continue to remain low in the next three years. This will increase customers ability and willingness to buy. Selective demand We can define the consumer decision making process as an extensive problem solving level, where they are introduced to a complete new brand with low brand knowledge. So, Flydubai should infusive more on their brand identity through the media and other communication types in order to enrich consumers knowledge. Once Flydubai had increased the level of consumer knowledge, we expect huge increase in market share in the next three years because the decision making process is going to shift from extensive problem solving to routine which is low information search about the company. Therefore, we expect major change within the next three year upon the factors we mentioned above. Segmentation: As for segmentation we expect to see a rise in the population of the UAE in the following 3 years. According to the electronic portal of Gulf News the population of UAE is approaching six million as of now and it is expected to escalate even further by the end of this year. An increase in construction in the coming years requires more labor to be imported from foreign countries, thus increasing the number of potential customers (low income and middle-class lifestyles) who might want to use our services. Moreover, economic boom can also be a factor for businessmen to travel to and from Dubai more frequently. In addition, the number of students travelling to the UAE for education is expected to increase in the near future; this implies that they will most probably select Flydubai as their primary mode of transport to travel to and from the UAE, since the economic condition shows very little signs of improvement in the near future. More tourists are expected to arrive in the UAE within the near future out of which a section of them are extremely price sensitive travelers. Another scenario would be that the current economic downturn continues to effect economies world-wide within the coming three years increasing the number of price-sensitive customers in the eight markets we operate in. To keep up with the projected demand, Flydubai is planning to increase its fleet size from 5 (currently) to 54 aircrafts in the coming years. An increase in fleet size would allow Flydubai not only to accommodate a large number of clients but also expand its reach in terms of destinations. Conversely, the announcement of the new GCC rail network which is the new transportation class in our relevant market is expected to have a slight negative effect on Flydubais operations in terms of loosing clients that fall in our target segmentation. The GCC rail network and Flydubai have one common destination which is Qatar. Once the GCC rail network begins its operations there is a high possibility of losing out on our current and potential clients. (For more information on segmentation please refer to appendix 5). Competitor analysis Our major competitive in our relative market is Air Arabia and then Al Jazeera Airlines. Air Arabia is holding major market share because they are the first to claim about launching first low cost airlines in Middle East region. However, Flydubai can compete with those two direct competitors when we focus on our competitive advantage which is price leadership. Also, location is another important factor due the number of travelers that are using Dubai Airport comparing to Sharjah Airport. In addition, being part of the Emirates Group will add more value to Flydubai brand equity which will make it easier to make customers shift toward our company within the next three years. (For more information on competitor analysis, please refer to Appendix 6) Conclusion: In conclusion after analyzing the environmental micro and macro trend for Flydubai, we observed that there are two major changes in our relevant market. First, the increase of the tourism level in Dubai as we expect the current economic downturn era to change its direction towards positive figures in the next three years. Also, the companies holders and businessmen attitude towards low cost airlines is changing by using it as these airlines are providing business men services aboard such a business class and wireless internet connection. The number of competitors within the low cost airline industry is going to increase in the coming years as new airlines such as Bahrain Airlines starts its operation this year. Secondly, full service airlines are expanding their market towards low cost airline by introducing low price tickets that attract price sensitive consumers. We expect that within the next ten years a new class level will enter the market in the GCC region which is trains trans portation. Also, a new form level will emerge in the relevant market which is a combination between full services and low cost carriers. Finally, within the next three years we expect those changes in the relevant market to be reshaped affecting the primary and selective demand. Bibliography (2009, October 18). Flydubai airline. Retrieved from McKechnie, D, Grant, J, Katsioloudes, M. (2008). Positions and positioning: strategy simply stated. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 9(5), Retrieved from doi: 1751-5637 (2009). Environmental scanning. Wikipedia. Retrieved (2009, October 17) from (2009). Flydubai. Wikipedia. Retrieved (2009, October 17) from (n.d.). flydubai, who we are. Retrieved from (2009, June 8). Two more tough years for the airlines. Retrieved from Nagraj, A. (2009, September 16). Gloomy skies for the airline industry. Retrieved from Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation, Initials. (2009, October 15). Middle East LCC wrap: Air Arabia, Jazeera, Flydubai, nasair, sama and Bahrain Air. Retrieved from Riaz, D, Kapadia, S. (2007). Air Arabia, Priced so that you can fly [5-14]. (Adobe Digital Edition Version), Retrieved from Schewe, , Charles, D, Hiam, A. (n.d.). market segmentation. Retrieved from (2009, 10 07). UAE population reaches six million. Retrieved from (2009, 10 07). Expat numbers rise rapidly as UAE population touches 6m. Retrieved from (2009, April 7). FlyDubai opens for business with flights to Beirut and Amman. Retrieved from (2009, October 8). Number of tourists in Dubai set to grow by 40 per cent . Retrieved from Sambidge, Initials. (2009, March 18). flydubai appoints pilots, cabin crew. Retrieved from Sambidge, A. (2009, August 11). Dubai tourists up 5% in H1 official. Retrieved from (2009, 10 07). UAE population. Retrieved from Redpath, H. (2009, June 16). Dubais First Low Cost Airline Takes Off. Retrieved from Redpath, H. (2009, June 16). Dubais First Low Cost Airline Takes Off. Retrieved from Appendix 1 Back Ground information on Flydubai: Flydubai is the UAE second low cost airline that was established in March ,3rd 2008 on the orders of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Prime Minister and Vice-President, and Ruler of Dubai. The company first flight was in June 1,2009 to Beirut in Lebanon followed by flights to Amman, Jordan, on June 2, Damascus, Syria, on June 8 and Alexandria, Egypt, on June 9, giving the new airline a total of four destinations in just nine days. (Redpath, 2009). The company had ordered 50 Boeing 737 and is going to receive 10 airplanes each year for the next five years. (Flydubai,2009) Currently the company runs its operations in Dubai International Airport terminal 2 that was redesigned for the new airline. Sheikh Ahmed Bin Saeed Al Maktoum, Chairman of Flydubai said: This region is very dependent on air transport. It is a great credit to the vision and leadership of Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, that this airline has now taken off, thereby ensuring residents and visitors alike will be able to travel to more places more often. (Redpath, 2009). The Flydubai model is simple, with customers only paying for the services they want. The ticket price includes all taxes and one piece of hand baggage, weighing up to 10kg, per passenger. Passengers have the option to purchase checked-in baggage in advance at just 40AED for the first piece and 100AED for the second, weighing up to 32kgs, subject to availability. Checked baggage is strictly subject to availability and passengers are advised to book early to secure the space, as only pre-purchased baggage can be guaranteed. (Redpath, 2009) Flydubai aims to make travel a little less complex, a little less stressful and a little less expensive, explained Flydubai CEO Ghaith Al Ghaith. Our passengers have the option to customize their travel experience depending on what services they want and how much they want to pay. (Redpath, 2009) We plan to stimulate the markets in which we operate and encourage people to travel to more places more often. Flydubai aim is not to drive traffic away from the other carriers but to help grow these markets. When you consider that low cost travel in this region could be as little as 2% of all air travel, as opposed to more than 20% in Europe and America, it is clear that there is a lot of untapped potential in these markets. (Redpath, 2009) In addition, Flydubai will fly to airports that are currently underserved by the traditional carriers. In a region which is so dependent on air transport, we are looking forward to providing the reality of accessible, low cost, uncomplicated travel (Redpath, 2009). Appendix 2: Product Market Structure: The above market structure was used to identify Flydubai relevant market within the airline industry in the Middle East region. We started the structure with the most basic need which is the need to travel in the region. This provided us with three alternatives that include airplanes, buses and cars. The product form is divided between full service carriers and low cost carriers as they differentiate in prices and services being offered to customers. From this structure we can identify Flydubai relevant market within the product form level. This is because the degree of competition and substitutability within the brand suppliers are high, as they all offer low prices with similar routes within the region. This push the relevant market upwards towards the product form level. Furthermore, Flydubai indirect competitors include Fly Emirates, Etihad airlines and Saudi airlines. These full service airlines are competing with Flydubai indirectly by providing low prices with full services. O n the other hand our direct competitors include Air Arabia and Al Jazerra airlines that are both low cost airlines that perform within the region. Further explanation on competition will be provided in the Micro analysis in the competitors section. Appendix 3 Macro Environment: In studying the external environment of Flydubai in the next three years we will focus on the Macro and Micro environment. This study will help us in finding out the effect of these external factors on the company in the next few years. The Macro environment factors will include Political, economical, social and technological aspects under which Flydubai will be affected by. 1) Political Analysis: A) Government Regulations: Flydubai was established with orders of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Prime Minister and Vice-President, and Ruler of Dubai. Being owned by the Dubai government the company faces no difficulties in laws and regulations as the airline industry in the Emirates is booming through the process of liberalization the airline industry that the United Arab Emirates is adapting. B) Political Analysis: In studying the overall political environment of the United Arab Emirates, we find it one of the most stable countries within the region. Such political approach of peace seeking had made the country a trading hub in the region. This will certainly have its positive effect on flydubai operations as to perform in stable political environment. C) Employment Laws: Protecting labors rights and Emiratization is considered the main aspect that the UAE government is taking into consideration now a days. Companies are now forced to have a certain percentage that of emirates locals that will increase in the following years as there is more emphasis on employing locals in the private sector. Being a part of Emirates Airlines Group, Flydubai will certainly adapt its mother company in hiring and training locals in suitable jobs. The challenge that Flydubai will going to face is to decrease costs in one hand and provide well paid jobs in the same time . 2) Economical Analysis: A) Inflation Rate: The inflation rate in the UAE is predicted to fall from last years 11.1 percent level to seven percent in 2010, according to a new report. (Sambidge, 2009). This is considered a positive aspect for Flydubai as it will have its positive effects in reducing the company costs in oil and ground operations. High inflation rates reaching to 11 percent last year was a threat to low cost airlines such as Air Arabia and Al Jazerra Airlines that faced a problem of high oil prices. This good news will make Flydubai compete even stronger on prices as inflation rates goes down. B) Economical Analysis: Falling oil prices, cooling real estate and construction markets, together with a slowdown in the tourism sector, especially in Dubai, means the UAE is expected to post low or possibly negative GDP growth in 2009, according to analysts. (Sambidge, 2009). Living in the current World Financial Economic Crises the UAE economy in general and Dubai in specific faced a hard time in 2009 but analysts forecast that there will be more positive figures in 2010. This information is considered a negative too many airline companies but may be positive to Flydubai as people are now more focus in reducing their expenses as the incomes are reduced. This means their tendency of consumers focusing more on prices which is a positive thing for a low cost airline. Additionally, analysts forecast that the economy will grow in 2010 again and this will certainly have its effect on the company growth. 3) Social Analysis: A) Demographics: More than 300,000 people will be added to the UAE population this year to record the highest growth of 6.3 per cent in five years and Dubai would likely emerge as the fastest growing emirate, official figures show. The rise rebuffs reports that the global financial turbulence has triggered a mass exodus of expatriates out of the country, mainly Dubai. From 4.75 million in mid 2008, the UAEs population is projected to increase to 5.066 million in mid 2009, showed the figures by the Ministry of Economy. This figure are going to increase in the next few years which will certainly have its positive effects on the airline industry in UAE considering that expatriates make an approximate percentage of 80.1 of the above figure in 2009 according to the ministry of economy. Furthermore, the figures show that the 25-29 year age group was the largest in the UAE in mid 2008, standing at 777,186. It was followed by the 30-34 age groups, which was estimated at 754,289 and 35-39 groups of 588,505. This clearly indicates that most of the population is young and is going to shape the tourism and aviation market in the next couple of years. B) Consumer Behavior: According to a study done by Arabian Business website, it was found that 83 percent of the respondents would switch their preferred airline carrier, for a cheaper price, while 17.6 percent believed they would consider alternatives and trade off between the discount and lost air miles. It can thus be inferred that pricing plays a significant role in consumer behaviour and the decision making process especially in the current economic downturn era. Furthermore, customer loyalty in the low cost carriers is low as its directly related to price. Flydubai should consider this into account and introduce customer loyalty programs in order to maintain a higher level of customer loyalty. (Glass, 2008). C) Leisure Interests: 3.85 million tourists had visited the emirate in the first half of 2009, a five percent increase on the same period of 2008 According to Dubai department of Tourism and commerce marketing . This figure strongly shows the current tourism industry market and how attractive it became even though of the current economical downturn. Other figures expect that the number of tourists will fall compared to 2008 figures but most figures have stated that there will be a positive growth in 2010. D) Career Attitude: Business travelers are changing their perception of low cost carriers. As observed by Andrew Cowen, CEO of Same, the market is shifting from the traditional major airlines business travel towards low cost carriers for trips within the GCC. This changing attitude, supported by the current economic downturn and the increase number of foreign businesses within GCC countries entering the UAE, shows a trend of an increasing demand for low cost carriers in the next three years. (High time for low cost carriers, 2008). E) Technological Development Analysis: Following its mother company Emirates Airlines, we expect that Flydubai become a market leader in providing advanced technological solutions to its passengers by using the large experience that emirates airline have. If such direction was adapted, it will certainly provide the needed strength that Flydubai need in competing with its direct and indirect competitors. Appendix 4 Micro Environment: Stakeholder Analysis: This means to analyze the micro environment which includes the following factors: the customers, employees, shareholders, media, and the competitors. A) Customers: Customers who are price conscious are concerned with low cost airlines. Flydubai has focused on pricing strategy and flexibility because these two factors play a big role in determining the customers decision process on which airlines they choose to travel with. Price strategy and flexibility of Flydubai include low pricing strategy and easy booking with increased choices. As Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al-Maktoum, Chairman of Flydubai said: As a true low cost airline we are geared towards providing our passengers with the best price and increased choice. We will operate efficiently and continually evolve to deliver the best possible product to our customers. (Flydubai opens for, 2009). The cost of Flydubai from Dubai airport to Doha airport would cost 200DHS, whereas other major airlines such as; Emirates or Qatar airlines would cost approximately 1000 or more for a one way ticket (Flydubai home page, 2009). This shows that Flydubai is much cheaper and has managed to keep prices low due to the successful use of their pricing strategy. Moreover, the number of tourist from around the world including the region will grow more than 40% in the next 3 years in Dubai (Number of tourists, 2009) .This shows that there will be increased number of customers who will use Flydubai airlines within the next three years due its successful use of pricing strategy and flexibility. B) Employees: Flydubai airline has received more than 11,500 applications from flight and cabin crew. There are 18 first officers, 61 captains, and almost more than 8000 candidates for pilots were selected from twelve different nationalities (Sambidge, 2009). The staff has good experiences and was carefully selected. According to Kenneth Gile, chief operating officer of Flydubai said: We are extremely pleased with the talent of the pilots we have on board. On average, they each have more than 4,000 hours serving as captain in similar aircraft and a total experience of more than 8,000 flying hours this is impressive by any standard (Sambidge, 2009). Furthermore, employee and staff hospitality is very important. This is because the employees and staff were selected from twelve different nationalities and they need to feel comfortable with the new culture they are facing in order to work efficiently. D) Shareholders: Flydubai is fully owned by the government of Dubai and its considered as a part of its mother company the Emirates Group. The company has no other shareholders currently as there its 250 million dirhams capital is completely raised by the government. E) The media: Obviously, through observations, Flydubai has made many advertisements through publicity such as; Newspapers (e.g. gulf news) and internet websites. However, the main strategy they used

Negative Aspects of IT on Social Communication

Negative Aspects of IT on Social Communication M2 Abuse of IT Now create additional blog pages that discuss the negative aspects of IT on social communication give examples and explanations using the headings underlined below please use your OWN words. Abuse of IT: Threats: This can range from hacking into someones computer to sending scamming emails designed to gather personal information. In many cases corporations and sell personal information for as little as 1p per person. This blog will explain different types of IT abuse and show examples of different real life situations. Cyber Bullying: This is the act of bullying or abusing a person using electronic devices such as a mobile phone, computers and tablets. Examples of cyberbullying include mean text messages or emails, rumors sent by email or posted on social networking sites, and embarrassing pictures, videos, websites, or fake profiles. One of the main problems with cyber bullying is the fact that it is consistent. Texts, emails and social network posts can be sent and uploaded at any time meaning the person be bullied cannot get away. With verbal and physical bullying the person can get away from it, buy staying in their home but cyber bullying is a consistent form of torture. One of the cyberbullying contenders is social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. Once something is posted, it can be nearly impossible to remove as other people can screenshot it and then they will have it on their hard drive and can no longer be deleted. Cyberbullying has many effects on the person being bullied, these include: Drinking alcohol and using drugs Skipping school to avoid contact with the people bullying them Have lower self-esteem and get poor grades because of it Could lead to mental health problems In some cases, cyberbullying can lead to suicide. Cyberbullying has claimed many lives, such as the life of Hannah Smith 1999-2013. She was a 14-year old girl from lutterworth, Leicestershire, England, hanged herself in her bedroom on August 3rd, 2013. This is one of many cases in that people have ended their lives because of other people. The story tells us that this is a serious subject any should be reported instantly. Because people do not talk about it often ends badly but if you talk to someone it can, will be sorted, and can lead the bully in jail. Spam: Spam is a form of advertising that you will receive unwillingly. This happen because at some point you gave your email address away on online forums, new groups etc. A spam email contains fake information and links that ask for Credit or Debit card information and personal information. Spam emails also come as a phishing email that disguise themselves as banks. They do this to get access to card details to take money out of your bank account. Spam is typically used to promote inexpensive pharmaceutical drugs, weight loss programs, job opportunities and online gambling.   These can lead to lose of personal information that companies can sell on so more people get access to your personal information and then you will receive more spam and fraudulent emails. Botnets is an example of a spamming technique used to command-and-control servers which collect email addresses and distribute spam emails. There are many warnings and news reports about fraud emails. There is a case of fake speeding ticket from Manchester. The police warned the public about the scam aimed at stealing bank details from businesses across the country. The email would invite people to click on a link that shows photographic evidence of the offence. Phishing: Phishing is a form of fraud in which the attacker tries to learn information such as login credentials or account information. Phishing emails can disguise themselves as official emails from banks to try to gather bankcard details to use. They send you to a fake copy of the official website. There is a large variety of new reports about phishing emails. There is a news report on the Mirror website about fraudsters send out fake court summons that when opened give the computer the virus called The Trojan Horse. This virus give the sender complete control over the computer from anywhere in the world and gives then access to a large amount of personal information. In another case, a man was jailed for a phishing fraud that was sent out to UK students to try to steal  £1.5m. Olajide Onikoyi, 29, of Hexagon Close, Blackley, Manchester, sent out emails asking them to update details on their students loans. He stole  £393,000 from 283 victims in total before he was caught. Phishing emails are as effective as they are Denial of Service Attacks: This is a method of preventing a web server from providing a service by overwhelming it with so many requests that it is unable to cope. An example of this is that a criminal might try to blackmail a company by threatening to attack their website unless the company gives them money. In some cases, political websites are attacked as the attacker does not agree with the political view. Identity Theft: This is the fraudulent use of using other peoples names and personal information to gain access to loans, credit card numbers and other relevant information. This allows the thief to possibly take out loans and buy multiple items in your name which will cause problems for you as you could end up in debt. Gerald Barnbaum lost his pharmacist license after committing Medicaid fraud. He stole the identity of Dr. Gerald Barnes and practiced medicine under his name. A type 1 diabetic died under his care. Dr. Barnes even worked as a staff physician for a center that gave exams to FBI agents. Hes currently serving hard time. In this case the consequences were rather extreme however there are more extreme cases out there. The reported cases show us that this is a serious problem as unqualified people are pretending to be Doctors and other trained staff. Bibliography: